We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children Activity and Nutrition) - Curriculum for Parents and Caregivers

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children Activity and Nutrition) - Curriculum for Parents and Caregivers

We Can! Energize Our Families: Curriculum for Parents and Caregivers, is a six-lesson curriculum with dynamic activities for parents to encourage a healthy weight in their family. The core concept explored is "energy balance," or the long-term balance between ENERGY IN (calories from food) and ENERGY OUT (calories burned through activity). In a fun and hands-on way, the lessons focus on helping participants learn essential skills that can help their families increase access and availability of healthy foods and make healthful food choices, become more physically active, and reduce recreational screen time. At the end of each lesson, participants are encouraged to try new nutrition and physical activity tips with their families over the next week. Participants later share their experiences trying the new behavior with the group.

Publication Date:
General Public & Patients
Population Group:
Children & Youth
Related Health Topics:

Web-only Publications

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